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Cudjoe Walk 3

The camera perspective makes the car look like it is miles away lost in the distance. I could have walked to it in a minute.I snatched a few quick pictures of pine needles, blue sky and rocky trail before my dog called it quits and looked longingly back at the car. The Florida sky was just perfect. The clouds were being blown along by the crisp Spring breezes that continue to blow, keeping the humidity at bay. I call them the Florida colors, green white and blue. I know everyone's dog is their favorite but Cheyenne perked up when she read the comment about being the star. I think she is the smartest Labrador to have crossed my path.
She has noticed that when she gets covered in mud she gets a quick going over with the outdoor shower when we get home. So now she studiously avoids mud holes and primly comes back to the car as clean as she left it. I am rather sorry to think the shower has spoiled her fun.

Florida is filled with all shades of green including these palmettos which are everywhere .

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